Christmas morning. There’s just nothing else like it. In a week we’ll be setting goals and dreaming of our future, but from yesterday through this week, we just get to be. Be present and thankful and indulgent, and probably a little lazy, too. Even with a few things left on our social calendar, the pace is slow and purposeful and in much more bite size increments. Or at least it feels that way!
We have a mix of things planned, still don’t know what our NYE plans are, and am personally praying I feel motivated enough to do some organizing in between eating leftovers, playing board games, and catching up on White Lotus. Everything else can wait until after break! (Am I right!?)
Whatever the week ahead looks like for you, I hope it’s just what you need!
Here’s a little peek at our Christmas morning.

When the boys stay up way too late playing video games, dad’s not home from the fire station yet, and it’s just the girls up waiting patiently. No complaints tho… it was a sweet (and very quiet) morning!

My Christmas decor purchase this year was the peace and love wall hanging, above. Planning on keeping it here through Valentine’s Day and then moving to the basement after that!

Managed to get a kid pic but kicking myself for not setting up the timer and hopping in with them!

GAH! Never not thankful to have everyone under one roof.

Easily my favorite Christmas pajama haul and added bonus that the red guarantees they’ll be on rotation well through Valentine’s Day. (Women’s, Kid’s, and Nightgown)

Keeping the magic of Santa and his elves alive for one child can be quite the challenge, and while I’m half hoping this is the last year, I’m also hanging onto every last bit of it and will be sad to see it go. There are however, traditions that will continue after the truth is out; cookies for Santa will 10000% be one of them!

As I mentioned, Johan was on shift on Christmas Eve, so I was on solo Santa duty and fully exptected to feel kinda sad and lonely but honestly, it felt normal, lol. I guess after weeks of making lists, shopping, and checking said list (over and over again), it’s only natural to be the one filling and displaying. It is after all, the pretty and fun part! Just so thankful there weren’t any play kitchens to assemble this year!
Hope you had the best celebration and that you’ve also been given the chance to tap out for a bit (a bubble bath is in order!). Praying God’s love, peace, and wisdom for you this week and into 2023!
xx, Rae
P.S. – A few fun posts for this week: banana split yogurt cups, the January edit, and thoughts on being a “sparky” mom
P.P.S. –
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