HELLO MAY! Here’s the vibe and all the things we’re loving, doing, and looking forward to this month.
Less fuss, less stress, less second guessing, less alcohol, less seed oils (iykyk, but if not, listen to this podcast), less micromanaging, more creating, more healing, more moving, more giving, more complimenting (others), more laughing, more fun, more connection, more intention. Simply, be as carefree as the summer.
Simplify your skincare routine if you haven’t already! (You won’t regret it!)
These trays are perfect for hot dog night or personal snacky-snacks.
Love these bauble glasses for mocktails, cocktails, and iced coffee!
Been thinking about the topic of stress and burnout and trying to take inventory of the things that stress me out on the regular and what I can do to change them (or adjust my thinking)… crazy how easy it is to get stuck in a cycle and not even realize it!!!
So excited for Mother’s Day and the chance to celebrate the purpose, value, and legacy found in raising our babies and running our homes. It’s truly an art form and I hope you feel proud and accomplished for doin’ the dang thing, daily!
A few Mother’s Day Gift Ideas: yes to all of this, love these boyfriend sleep shorts and tee, a pretty stack of bracelets, a new Stanley, a play mat from Gather, or one of our notepads!
Did you know that reading is just as addicting as Netflix? (ME: Planning summer book clubs for the whole fam bam)
Over the weekend we decided to make a list of sports movies to watch together and I’m hoping this will make family movie night, so much easier! What movie theme would your family choose?
Saving up for this rattan hanging chair for our front porch. The perfect place to read, sip on coffee, and watch the kids and their friends play.
ICYMI, the May Meal Plan.
A quick reminder to start making a summer bucket list… keep it simple!
Tired of feeling like I’m doing a million things around the house but also like I’m always playing catch up (how is there so much to do!?), so decided to put together a workflow for the week… will share on stories later and report back if it works!
Currently working on a SUMMER EDIT, that will include the usual pinterest board and playlist!
ILY! Happy May!
xx, Rae
[…] the May Edit, I had a few requests to share our list of sports movies. We broke them up into a G/PG rated list […]