Read the next statement out-loud and then I’ll tell you something kinda embarassing:
You know how many times I’ve glanced at that quote while scrolling Pinterest? At least a dozen. You know how many times I thought it was directed towards the actions of a significant other or spouse? Eleven of those times. It wasn’t until last week that I read it and thought, “OMG! Duh! I deserve that from myself!”
Maybe this revelation occurred to you a long time ago, or maybe like me you’re a little late to the party, but either way I wanted to encourage you… We deserve consistency, effort, and a level of personal responsibility that is not an afterthought. And no, that doesn’t require jumping on the hustle culture, put me first, perfection chasing, or having it all, bandwagons. Adding ourselves to a list of priorities does not mean we have to forsake all else… I mean, we are way more savvy and creative than that.
So in the words of Shania Twain, let’s go girls! Time to declutter the list of priorities, do a brain dump of all the things rumbling around in our heads, write out our values, dreams, and goals, pray a big audacious prayer, and freaking get out of our own way so we can do the damn thing(s). Our entire life could look wildly different just a year from now, if we want it to. What do you say?
Thanks for letting me share my thoughts with you as they’ve been on my mind all weekend and it feels good to get them onto paper (so to say). The last 6 months have been a challenge to say the least (more on that later) but it’s spring time and things are starting to grow and I couldn’t be more excited.
Anywho, want to know another thing that’s been on my mind all weekend? This yummy meal from Wooden City! When it comes to eating out with the full crew (missing Oz), it would appear that we definitely stick to a certain cuisine and it somehow never disappoints. Thankful for the sweet family time and not having to make or clean up dinner :)

After we ate, we went to the Downtown Marriott for some rooftop swimming and hot tub sitting. A little staycation of sorts and I loved every minute of it except for the sleeping arrangements, lol. Worth it tho!
Here’s a few snaps from dinner. Didn’t snap any pictures at the hotel because we were having too much fun and I know better than to have my phone near the water, but I did hangout in the lounge chairs while the girls swam the next morning an recorded a few videos I’ll share on stories later if you’re interested.

Those freckles are coming out to play and I can’t get enough of them or you, Espen!

Our kids (individually and as a generation) are also worth more than second guesses and maybes.
Never has there ever been a bigger “WHY”, for me.

SIDE NOTE: My pants have been restocked! So comfy and run true to size! Similar sweatshirt here or here – also tts.

Tilly smiling through the chaos! Ha! 🖤
XO, Rae
You are so right! Lovely thoughts to share. I feel like I’ve seen that quote and said it to myself so many times, without really giving it any meaning. I’m only 2 weeks in of making myself a priority, and though I am a long way off from getting to where I want to be, I’m excited to see the progress I make by this time next year. I think we as women who are wives and mothers do not get enough reminders and encouragement to make ourselves a priority. Even though it’s starting to become a (good) trend of women lifting each other up, I think many women (or maybe just me) get into our heads so much, that we talk ourselves out of thinking we are important or worthy enough of our own time. So we definitely can’t have too many reminders or too much encouragement!
So true! We can hear things all day long but until we know in our hearts that we’re worthy of time and investment, it’s hard to stay consistent. Excited to hear how your journey goes! xoxo