Apples have definitely taken a back seat to our pumpkin obsession this fall but yesterday afternoon, as a post church, football watching snack, we put together an apple dipping tray. The kids (and a friend that stopped by) loved everything about it and lucky us, there was enough to enjoy for dessert later in the night!
When it comes to apples, dips and toppings there are endless combinations but instead of heading to the store for anything specific I grabbed what we had on hand… Yet another reason (spontaneous treats!) to keep a somewhat stocked pantry. Something I’m not always great about but that reaps major bennies. Here are a few of the items, including dip recipes, we set out.
PEANUT BUTTER DIP – combine 8oz. of cream cheese, 1/4 cup sugar, 3/4 cup brown sugar, 1/2 cup peanut butter, and 1 teaspoon vanilla with a mixer until smooth and serve.
CARAMEL DIP – unwrap half a bag (about 20 pieces) of caramels and place in bowl with a splash (1 tablespoon) of cream or milk. Heat in microwave for 20 second intervals, stirring in-between until completely melted. Allow to cool and thicken before serving.
WHITE CHOCOLATE – melt chocolate chips in the microwave or double broiler, being careful not to burn, stirring lots and often. Works best (in my opinion) drizzled over apple slices instead of the main dip or topping. If you are making a larger quantity try pouring into a squeeze bottle to make it easy.
It was a nice treat in the middle of our sunday and would make for a fun “bar” for a party or get together any day.
So now tell me… have you been all about those pumpkins or apples this fall? This inquiring mind wants to know!
XO . Rae
PS – To everyone who placed an order during our flash sale, thank you so much! Your order will be shipped later today :)
Thanks again for the inspiration- I used this idea last week at our Fancy Dress and Fireworks party (to celebrate Bonfire Night here in the UK). Traditionally we have toffee apples but I did them last year and they were a pain to make and hard for the kids to eat! These apple toppers were so much easier and the kids were so excited about all the dips! I had to slow my little girl down, she was getting hamster cheeks :-) Thank you xox
Ahhh, that sounds like so much fun Lindy! I need to know more about Bonfire Night!?!?
So sweet of you to take the time to write a note after your party…. made my week. XO, Rae
Ha! Bonfire Night is what one of my American friends over here calls “the UK’s most bizarre holiday” and I suppose it is a bit wacky! In 1605, there was a plot to kill the King by blowing up the Houses of Parliament, but Guy Fawkes was discovered underneath the House of Lords and the Gunpowder plot was exposed in time. Every year on 5th November, there are bonfires and big fireworks displays. Traditional Bonfire Night food would be hot dogs, toffee apples, parkin (a spiced cake) and cinder toffee. I love it how the sights, smells and tastes can build such happy childhood memories and we love to do a party with some friends of ours :-)