One of the chronically un-styled + unfinished areas of our home is the front porch. Mostly because I’m really good at killing plants, rarely find a wreath I love enough to splurge on and just haven’t taken the time to think about other ways to decorate. But with all the street hokey, fliers up, side walk chalk sessions, bike rallies, etc. that happen on our street, the porch could easily be used as an extra outdoor living space for people to hangout on. So a couple weeks ago Johan and I spruced up the front porch in just 3 easy steps…
1. Cozy Seating: Using a couple pallets we had laying around and pinterest for inspiration, Johan made and hung a swing (thanks honey!). I shopped the house for a few pillows, but will be looking for outdoor ones to replace them with, and added an old rug that was folded up in the linen closet. When it comes to bringing the indoors out, pillows and rugs are my go-to!
2. Updated Basics: A new flag and door mat, galvanized bin to hold shoes, knick-knacks and packages, and a simple fern that loves shade and should be easy to keep alive. Crossing my fingers. Now if I can just find a cute wreath!
3. Lighting: Who says café lights are just for the backyard!? We hung a couple strands (criss-crossing them in the middle and used a staple gun to keep in place) and love how they add an inviting glow and festive look. Like we’re always ready to party :)
(The kid’s latest project… a tin can herb garden.)
It’s been fun seeing everyone use the porch for more than the front door. As you might have seen on snapchat (raeannkelly), the pallet swing is easily the fave. Tilly didn’t waste any time making herself at home!
“hey good lookin'” doormat / galvanized bin (but found for less at local hardware store) / striped basket (from IKEA but couldn’t find online) / flag / eye pillow / teal pillow / prismatic striped pillow / cafe lights
Do you have any spring projects planned for the weekend!?
xo, Rae
Love the swing. Did you make this? You are so creative.
What did you use on the concrete? looks great!