- We’ve decided to start a farm!!! Haha! Jk, but we are planning on getting some chickens, (attempting to) grow veggies, and start composting, this spring. All things I swore I would never do! Classic. We still have a lot of research and work ahead but have (predictably) picked out a chicken coop plan here (but painted these colors) and you know my chicks will be needing a swing too. To top it off, Johan and I have finally agreed on an overall layout of the backyard which feels so good. No comment on the front-yard — curb appeal, smurb appeal 😬… but just saying that to make myself feel better!
- I purchased some really cute rings from a friend’s daughter’s Etsy shop a couple nights ago and am so excited about it! Wanted to share in case you could use a pop of color to add to Easter baskets or your own personal ring stash!
- Trying to get better at… making appointments before leaving the place where I need the appointment. Such as the nail salon, dentist, eye dr. (for kids), etc. Not sure why but for me it’s so much easier to call and move an appointment I already made than calling to make a new appointment. Anyone else!?
- Training for a half marathon and feeling really good about it!!! Ran 6 miles (of hills) 2 weeks ago and last Sunday ran just over 7 miles — with shorter runs and workouts in between. So far the hardest part has been figuring out what and when to eat before afternoon/evening runs so I don’t get side aches or stomach aches… help!
- Tilly’s been requesting we watch Switched and I’m hoping we can make it happen on Friday. Been awhile since we’ve done a planned movie night with all the fixings. What’s your favorite movie night menu? Full dinner and dessert, or just lots of snacks?
- Speaking of menu, Yoder whipped up a really yummy sausage, veggie, and pasta dish last night for dinner and I’ve asked him to share the recipe with us! It deserves a spot on the blog!
- Other blog posts to keep a lookout for — a roundup of our favorite parenting books, kids J.Crew sale picks for spring/summer, a really good pillow refresh hack, a list of chores for kids by age, a new freebie for my email subscribers (sign up in the sidebar if you haven’t already!), Spring activity ideas, some really cute and practical spring outfit ideas, a bath bomb recipe for Easter baskets, and a few more recipes! Woot!
- Feel free to skip this rant, but been thinking a lot about kids and masks! I don’t get it. I don’t get making them play sports in masks. I don’t get kids sitting at desks, socially distanced, and trying to learn, with masks. And I don’t get having to wear one while walking around a track in between lunch and 5th period (distanced) in a mask (hey, Espen’s school 🙃). It’s beyond irrational and it brings the mama bear out in me. Kids have zero risk and they pose zero risk to others. Let’s stop treating them like they’re in danger of dying or killing someone, mkay? Plus, they are ineffective by all standards (unless 3% is enough to justify what we’re doing?) and I have yet to see a study (not to be confused with opinion) that says it’s NOT harmful to restrict breathing and inhale your own waste or that it doesn’t suppress your immune system — and yet we’re willing to treat our kids that way??? I also had a bit of a come to Jesus moment on stories last week after the effects of isolation, closed schools, unemployment, and under reported abuse has caused such devastating spikes in youth (and adult) suicide and depression. You could probably also add violence and crime to that list. These things have been on my mind since last summer (hbu?), but last week the consequences of such restrictions (by people who are supposed to be public servants) touched way too close to home. There were a few people that pushed back on what I said, but I received well over 100 messages from women that agreed. There are a lot of us out there… we’re just the quietest. If that’s you, it’s time to be a squeaky wheel, lol. Here’s some resources that might help! Lots of studies and links below the sample letter.
- Did you know that we need 9 to 11 human touches per day to not lose our minds!? And it’s more than just the touch, it’s the exchange of energy that we need. I’ve been diving deep into wholistic health topics lately and the complexities of how we are created never ceases to amaze me.
- Our Arizona trip is coming up in April and I’m so excited to put our school books away, soak up the vitamin D, and play (and eat without having to cook) all day. Do you have any trips coming up!?

A few pics from our sunny Saturday at Alki Beach a couple weekends ago!!! It was so good for my soul.

Mom and Dad by, Tilly Jane. Nailed it sis!

Ending with a mermaid tail just seems fitting.
Dreaming of more sunny days to come!!!
What are you dreaming of?
xo, Rae
- YODER | hat + hoodie + joggers,
- POPPY | sweatsuit,
- ME | hoodie (highly recommend all the MWL sweats), sunnies, denim, similar shoes (veja forever)
- TILLY | sweatshirt, tee, shoes, hat is old from madewell
- ESPEN | hoodie (this ones cute too) + shoes
- GRIFF | joggers (similar) + tee is our fave treasure & bond
What a fun day! Love this…
love YOU!
From Mississippi and I couldn’t agree more! Our state has lifted the mask mandate but my young kids still have to wear a mask?! The drying of the teeth and cavities prone from mask wearing…. I just want normalcy for my kids.
yes please!!!!! ❤️
Yes! Oregon is trying to pass permanent mask wearing. I couldn’t agree with you more. We were made for community and that includes touch!
When my folks had chickens, they free-ranged on their 7 acre property. However, their favorite places were all my mom’s pretty flower beds and their garden. They installed decorative fences that the chickens simply hopped over. It was pretty sad for my mom. I’d keep that in mind in your planning. (My friend has ducks, and they haven’t been destructive like the chickens. She gets more eggs than their family can use, too.) So fun! We love to head to our local farm store and check out all the baby chickies!
WHAT!? No way regarding the masks… Literally miss seeing peoples faces. Makes me sad to go out.
Good to know about the flowers and chicks. Will need to plant them in the front yard!
What a lovely family! I wish I can go over there.
thank you! xo