Happy second day of SPRING friends! Anyone else getting the urge to spruce up everything in your home and wardrobes? The spring cleaning bug is real I tell ya.
To celebrate the fresh new season we put together a collection of 5 clips, perfect for spring, with ryan and wren (our fave hair clip co.) that will freshen up your little girl’s accessory stash and we’re giving away a set too!
To enter to win one set of my 5 clips (pictured below) from ryan and wren, head to Instagram, follow @raeannkelly and @ryanandwren and leave a comment on this post, letting me know one thing thats on your spring bucket list. Contest closes Friday, March 24th at 12pm PST. One (1) lucky winner will be picked later that night and notified by direct message on Instagram.
For all the boy mamas out there, these clips would make a great gift so I hope you’ll enter and share with friends :)
CLIPS INCLUDED | yellow, denim, purple, spotted, and floral
So hard to pick one color and design so we double up somedays!
Will model hair clips for cake pops, lemonade, and cheap sunglasses, ha!
This set of clips will be available for purchase later this week and you should also checkout Mary’s (the mama behind ryan and wren) Easter basket clips… so much cuteness on one Etsy shop!
XO, Rae
P.S. – they work great it Tilly’s hair too! To help keep them stay in place for long (and busy) school days when she doesn’t want to bother having to adjust them, I add a little rubber band.
Adorable! Spring bucket list item: breaking in our Kayaks! Hoping the ice melts and the lake opens up soon :)
yaas! saw kayaks at costco yesterday and wanted so bad to add a couple to my cart :) — make sure to head over to instagram for the giveaway! xo
Spring bucket list for our family of 6 is headed out to Great Wolf Lodge in VA. It’s still cold here and with kids anxious to play in the water, the indoor water park is perfect for us.
what a great idea… i might have to borrow it because it will be a long time before we’re basking in the sun around here too. be sure to head over to instagram to enter the giveaway… you can find me @raeannkelly xoxox
Playing outside with my munchkins before it gets too hot here in Texas!
the weather is beautiful there right now isn’t it? my son has a baseball tournament in tx during the beginning of july… trying to figure out if we take the entire family or not. what will the weather be like then? also, be sure and head over to instagram to enter the giveaway! xoxo
These are adorable! I wish I had an Instagram account. I may need to set one up now…
do it, lol! xoxo
I want to plant some flowers around the yard with my kids & enjoy watching them bloom <3
goals :) gardening is the hardest thing for me! make sure to head over to instagram and find me @raeannkelly to enter the giveaway! xoxo
So cute! I’m hoping to get toys organized around here, especially when all the new outdoor toys come out.