Currently taking in the last couple days of spring break, but hopping on because I stumbled upon these pics from a couple weeks ago and can’t believe I haven’t introduced you to our newest family members yet!!! I can now add chicken mama to the list of things I said I would never do (or be) but have now committed to. Sometimes I don’t know whether to cuss at or hug 2020-21 (both at the same time is more like it) but I’m excited to have these critters in the backyard and to eat and share all the fresh eggs! Picking up the poop, not so much, but no pain no gain, right!?
Here’s a little peek at our flock. They have since gotten quite a bit bigger. Will have to share more pics when we have names picked out for them all. Excited to share the coop building process too!

They are so cute and so creepy at the same time. As a total empath and former child that refused to eat meat for a year or two once I understood that it came from an animal (still recovering from the time my parents cooked the crab we caught on vacation when I was in the 5th grad), I’m hoping I can keep in mind that these girls are farm animals and not pets, lol. Hoping my kids will keep that in mind too. Fingers crossed! Thankfully Johan is good about all that stuff and can keep us in check!

Here are the breeds we have in case anyone is interested… and also so I have it written down somewhere:
- 3 Leghorns (super feisty, lay lots of white eggs — I don’t think I’d get these guys again but we’ll see)
- 2 Barred Rock (lay lots of brown eggs — the black on Tilly is holding, above)
- 1 Sapphire Gem (lay brown eggs, one of the sweetest chicks we have)
- 1 Black Australorp (lay brown eggs and also on the feisty side)
- 2 Americanas (lay blue eggs)
- 2 Lavender Orpingtons (lay light brown/pink eggs and are also super sweet)
- 2 Easter Eggers (lay blue/green eggs — the tan speckled one in the pic with tilly that looks a little like an owl to me)
Here’s a fun resource of chicken and duck breads if you really want to join me in the nerdy chicken club. Although it’s not a complete list, it does allow you to search by temperament and egg production. (Who am I?)

The Lavenders! Aren’t they fun!? When they aren’t being held, they live in a pen in the garage with a heat lamp. They’ll be big and hearty enough to move out to the coop at the beginning of May!

We for sure went a little overboard… Should’ve probably started with 7 but that would be very unlike us. Full speed ahead, friends!
Have you done anything lately that you swore you would NEVER do?
xo, Rae
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