I have options for you babes this month. The first one is my favorite playlist to cook dinner and sip wine to, DATE NIGHT IN and the other I just made for THE FEBRUARY EDIT and it’s full of old school music that you would probably find on a rom-com or romance drama (ahem, Titanic) soundtrack.
JANUARY MOOD: You make there rules you live by. Make sure they are good rules.
What would a REALLY GOOD WEEK look like to you? Are you getting out of the house? Working on a business goal? Playing basketball with the kids on the weekend? Cooking more, or less? Obviously, we can’t ignore our responsibilities, but chances are we can start incorporating small upgrades into our weeks. Write it down and let’s start working towards it.
Trying my hand at meal prepping and will keep you posted! Want to join me!?
Plan one day a week where you hit the easy button. Or maybe a day where your aren’t available to everyone, every minute of the day. Whatever that looks like for you. A day where you can do more of what fills your cup, or clears your to do list. For us that day is Friday. I get a morning to work through the usual school hustle. Kids do cereal club for breakkie, know that they are 100% in charge of their own lunches, and then we do pizza for dinner. Sigh. As if I needed one more reason to love Fridays.
Am I the only one feeling like we’re living in the in-between? It’s frigid outside, but everything I want to buy is meant for spring. So while we’re waiting for the sun and warmth to arrive, cue the fun layering (loving sweaters over shoulders), and stocking up on staples. I have some good outfit posts planned and a couple “save or splurge” match ups!
Click here to scroll through all of our heart day posts. You can also download printable valentines HERE and HERE. If I missed any, let me know!
That’s all this tired mama has, lol. Now go press play on a playlist, pour a glass of something yummy, and shake ya booty.
xo, Rae
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