Currently wearing the shacket, jeans, and sneaker combo, on repeat lately. Honestly nothing easier to throw on for the days that require hard pants, when I’d rather be wearing sweats. Layer on a scarf or beanie for some added interest and warmth and you’ve practically won the day and get a gold star for being all cute and effortless.
Everything is linked below — including a bunch of good options and Poppy’s outfit.
Speaking of gold stars, I’ve been thinking lately how easy it is to feel like we aren’t doing or being enough. Not because our day isn’t filled with important tasks but because we have away of glancing over the things we do repeatedly. As if the monotony negates the value, when I think the opposite is often true. Simply showing up consistently is maybe the hardest and most productive thing we can do. The definition of enough-ness. Making dinner, getting the kids out the door, showing up to a meeting, checking in on a loved one, tucking the kids in, getting the garbage and recycling to the curb (PTL), keeping up with emails, diffusing a conflict (or tantrum), getting a workout in, and so on. Those things lose their luster out of sheer repetition, but they are in fact worthy wins in our day that deserve some acknowledgement and the satisfaction of accomplishment. Which also makes doing them wayyyyy more enjoyable, imo.
And if we’re feeling like we’re overflowing with enough-ness, maybe we’ll make a little wriggle room in our day for the things that give us life and health, and community. Maybe we could pick up a hobby or a skill, or a book, or a side hustle? I dunno if I’m making sense to anyone, but if you are feeling a bit like you’re not doing enough, I highly recommend taking inventory of all the things you do, DO. Then ask yourself if what you need is to add more things to do? Or would it be more productive to give yourself permission (guilt free) to do more of the things that fuel your heart and give you energy, instead of adding one more task?
Kinda deep for a Thursday, but had to share in case I’m not alone!

ily, Rae
P.S. – Did you see the shop launch details or try this chicken and orzo dish?
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