On any given day, whether you arrive unannounced or for a planned get together, chances are, you’ll be walking into a pretty “well-loved” home. Especially if a tornado of kids had recently touched down for a baking, crafting, or activity sesh. That being said, my ability to be productive, creative, and show up for my loved ones is greatly effected by keeping some amount of order. Most days I do a quick pick up right before dinner and then again after everyone is in bed. I rarely go to bed in a messy home and at the very least have the kitchen clean and dishwasher running.
Here are 10 other things that have helped me walk that fine line between a busy home and total disaster.
- SIMPLIFY YOUR CLEANING TOOLS (BONUS POINTS IF THEY’RE ALSO KID FRIENDLY): There are two things we’ve done over the last year that has upped my cleaning game. 1. We’ve switched our all purpose cleaner to Thieves, a young living product that is plant-based, safe for kids and pets, does an amazing job, and cleans everything (windows, mirrors, counters, floors, etc.). No carrying a caddy of products around the house on cleaning day and our under the sink cabinets stay nice and tidy! It’s also incredibly cost effective (less than $1 per bottle) and get’s shipped to our doorstep!!! 2. We finally purchased a cordless vacuum that’s light and easy enough for the kids to use. The chillens argue over who’s week it is to be my vacuum babe, so you know it was worth every penny. Really happy with this mid-price-range one.
- DECLUTTER: If you skip this step then you’re just torturing yourself and making it impossible to maintain any kind or order because most of your time will be spent just shuffling things around and feeling totally overwhelmed. Plus it’s a total time suck. Feeling this on a new level with our current living situation! (Tried to find a post about our move to a fixer upper, but couldn’t find one. Whatthewhat!? Have I really not shared about it in blog form!? Need to get on that!)
- GET THE KIDS + SPOUSE INVOLVED: Family is a team sport and you are not the equipment manager, you are the co-captain. Scratch that, you are the coach. Sure that involves serving and nurturing, but it also requires leadership and collaboration (not to be confused with being a drill sergeant). So make sure you are rallying your squad and giving them jobs that contribute to the fam!
- MULTITASK WHEN IT MAKES SENSE: I almost didn’t include this because I believe it’s good to show our kids that we can just be with them without accomplishing 10 other things, but if you can spend 2 minutes wiping down the toilet while they wait for the tub to fill, or 5 minutes putting away laundry while they pick out jammies (which is a 10 minute process for Poppy) then I say go for it… Little things add up quickly!
- DO LAUNDRY EVERY DAY: Especially if you have sports gear or favorite items that get worn a lot.
- TURN ON SOME MUSIC + A TIMER + GET TO WORK: I feel like a broken record whenever I suggest this, but it’s honestly the best motivation. Have you checked out this Spotify playlist yet?
- PUT A DECORATIVE BASKET IN EVERY ROOM: Clutter is no longer clutter if it adds to the overall style of the room! Ha! Works great as storage or a catch all which will eventually require sifting through, however it also makes it easy to know what to throw away… all those things left at the bottom of the basket for weeks without anyone looking for them??? Bon voyage suckers!! (A few cute baskets: ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR)
- USE A TOY ROTATION OR “CHECKOUT” SYSYTEM: We did this a few years ago when the kids were younger and had more groupings of toys and it was amazing. The hardest part is doing the initial organization but if you can schedule a day or weekend to get it done, you won’t regret it. It’s really a great way to keep kids engaged with their toys while also making it easier to pick up!
THIEVES FOREVER! So easy and cheap to make, and looks cute out on the counter!
Wellness should always be a priority, but now more than ever! And all the extra time we’ve had at home over the last 9 (gasp) months has given me a chance to really take inventory of the things that we use and fill our home with. Have you guys made any adjustments to your cleaning products, vitamin intake, or overall organizing!?
Joining Young Living has made it so easy to ditch and switch things like our cleaners and soaps while saving me time and money (two things that are gold to us moms). Plus I get to support other mamas (hello!!!) and contribute to my families finances at the same time. All things that are near and dear to my heart always but especially with a pandemic and all the unknowns. I never want come across as pushy and if you’ve been around long enough, I hope you know that I don’t promote things I don’t love and use. Always feel free to skip over my essential oil chats and tips but if you are ever curious, want to know more, or need a little push (you won’t regret it!) to sign up, I’m here for ya and would love to walk you through all the things!!!
One more questions because I’m dying to know — are you like some of my friends who manage to keep their home SO CLEAN or are you like me and are okay with a little mess as long as you can still function well???
xo, Rae
Hi Rae! I’m actually like you! But in Italy I’m a black sheep…. Everyone cleans home twice a day!!!!! So frustrating…I prefer spend time with people that I love!
Thanks for sharing….