Still pretending that 2018 hasn’t actually started… anyone else? Our tree (sans ornaments) and a few strands of twinkle lights are staying up a little longer (no shame) and I feel like I’m still process all the fun we packed into the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Years. This year looked so different from years past which wasn’t our plan initially but ended up being my favorite part! There were a few things we didn’t check off our holiday bucket list, like ice skating, but there were several things I hope we can continue to do together! Here are my top 4…
1. SANTA PICS will continue to happen if I have anything to say about it! Being able to look back at pics from each Christmas is one of my favorite family keepsakes.
2. CHRISTMAS JAMMIES are a must for reasons I’m sure I don’t have to explain. As the older kids start to wear random things to bed too this tradition just keeps getting sweeter — seeing everyone in seasonal pjs gives me all the heart eyes! Maybe next year we’ll try matching :)
3. ATTENDING A HOLIDAY PERFORMANCE is one of the things we’ve been inconsistent about but this year we made last minute plans to take Griffin and Poppy to see Elf the Musical and it was definitely a highlight and something I want to be better about next year. Maybe we’ll even plan on doing something different each year… If you have any suggestions, please share in the comments!
4. PLANNING A FEW NIGHTS AWAY AS A FAMILY before Christmas, despite feeling totally overwhelmed before we left, was one of the best decisions we made last month! There is really nothing like time away to help refocus, recharge and make you feel like the luckiest person in the world. Would love to make this a tradition!
(We snuck away to our family cabin in Leavenworth, WA which we are so lucky to have but I think a couple nights anywhere other than home would have done the trick… even if it means fewer gifts under the tree!)
We have yet to establish any kind of New Year’s tradition. This year Johan worked both days, the older kids were with friends and I was asleep before midnight for the first time in forever. It was actually pretty great. However, it would be fun to figure something out that we could all look forward to every year… or maybe not having a NYE tradition can be our tradition, LOL?
What are some old or new traditions you can’t wait to repeat next year!?
XO, Rae
Can you tell me where the girls plaid leggings are from?
Love seeing all the family fun!!!!! You are creating sweet memories!
We have ‘a Christmas story’ on tv all day long!
Also for NYE, these west coasters celebrate on east coast time!
so smart Robyn… I love it! xo