Does this sound familiar?
YOUR KIDS: are dying of hunger, but have no idea what they want to eat and every option you list doesn’t sound good enough to save them from immanent starvation. WHAT IS THEIR LIFE!?
YOU: it’s only ten a.m. and you already have decision fatigue, feel like you just finished serving breakfast and cleaning up, have 10 other things and humans that need your attention and energy, and are about to suggest a bowl of ice cream just so you can move on with your day. (sigh — been there!)
OR, (plot twist) download our breakfast, lunch, snack, and sweets ideas, tape them to the fridge or pantry door, and invite the kids to take a peek at the options when hunger strikes… the kitchen is your oyster kids!

I originally made these for summer, but think they’ll be great for back to school (and year round), too. Hope they’er as helpful at your house as they’ve been at ours!
xo, Rae
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