Kept Poppy home from school yesterday when she woke up with a stuffy nose and a slight sore throat. You know those mild symptoms that we wouldn’t have thought twice about two years ago? One of the positive things to come out of the covid era in my opinion, is giving ourselves permission to slowdown and take care of our bodies when we start to feel off. When it comes down to it though, there is a big difference between a kid that’s sick and happy to watch movies with you all day and one that’s under the weather but stiff full of energy. So instead of snuggling up laying low, I ditched part of my to do list and we spent time outside in the fresh air… It’s a good practice in viewing interruptions as opportunities, instead of inconveniences and I’m thankful for it.
OUTFIT DETAILS | sweatshirt (wearing size 6), sweatpants (or in black + grey – wearing size 6), cropped tank (Lulu and on sale!), scarf (similar: one, two, three), belt bag, socks, sneaker
If you’ve wanted to try the align cropped tank with built in sports bra from Lulu, now is your chance since they’re on sale… love mine and will be getting more!
POPPY OUTFIT | sweatshirt, sweatpants, beanie, sneakers

We went to the park, for a walk, to dairy freeze for a burger, and then the kitchen store for surprise candy necklaces for the kids.

^^^not sick. lol.^^^

Waffle sandwich.
Here’s to making opportunities out of interruptions!
xo, Rae
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