- WATCHING: Binge watched Ultimatum on Netflix all week while doing chores and laundry. I also have the Abercrombie & Fitch documentary in my queue. Our friends recently introduced us to Drunk History on Comedy Central (OMG, lol). Honestly, mindless (or funny) TV is sometimes the only thing I can handle!
- PLAYING: Pickle-Ball is now our state sport which is totally dorky but we’re here for it!
- LOOKING FORWARD TOO: Oz comes home Mother’s Day weekend, for the summer, and is bringing a fraternity brother home with him to stay with us. Excited to see how their presence shakes things up around here and pray that I can keep up with the grocery shopping!
- OTB + SOCiALS: We have a couple giveaways coming up! One that involves The Club and a cute bag, and another that involves wine… stay tuned!
- EATING: Devoured a chicken salad sandwich with potato chips on top this week and realized that I have yet to share such a gourmet delicacy with my kids (HOW?)… Will need to remedy that ASAP! Adding to my to do list ;)
- MAKING: Going to try and make and freeze lemonade concentrate so we have it on hand all summer!
- DIFFUSING: Lots of Lavender, Lemon, and Peppermint in our diffuser lately to help ease the seasonal sniffles… all linked here. I’ve never dealt with seasonal allergies, but Johan swears by it.
- PSA: Next time you’re at Target, grab a back of BABE 100 and thank me later!
- THOUGHTS: Plant what you want to grow! In your thoughts, words, relationships, yard, and garden! What have you been planting?
- POP-CULTURE: Can’t end this post without talking about the Johnnie Depp v. Amber Heard court case. Things are getting pretty interesting and I’m pretty sure only going to get crazier. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, go follow House Inhabit (Jessica Reed Kraus) on the gram. She’s brilliant.

Outfit details and a bunch of cute jumpsuits are linked HERE.

I know what you’re thinking… athlete. LOL.


Nothing better than quality time and sunshine! Been trying to get in as many walks as possible anytime the sun shows up… HBU? What do you like to do in the spring sun?
xo, Rae
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