Happy Friday + second day of fall you guys!
Johan and I started the season off yesterday by taking the little kids to Lattin’s Country Farm and Cider Mill and then discussed our bucket list with all the kids later in the evening.
I am a bucket list enthusiast, but by the end of the season we are scrambling to check things of. Since fall is a notoriously busy time of year for us (and we have a surprise vacay planned already!!!) we decided to keep our list simple and asked everyone to pick a thing or two to add.
Love how similar everyone’s ideas were and think we might have started a new tradition!
- Me – Have all Halloween costumes ordered and made ASAP (instead of finishing the day or two before), family trip to Leavenworth, + s’mores.
- Johan – Go to Apple Cup, Leavenworth, + plan an overnight date. (I’m a lucky girl!)
- Ozzie – Bonfire with friends.
- Espen – Host a Halloween themed sleepover.
- Tilly – Host a sleepover + family movie night(s).
- Griffin – Be a skelakin (skeleton) for Halloween, eat ice cream, + do a fire.
- Poppy – No, good, + tick-a-teat! (her responses to all of our prompts)
^^^ I want Poppy’s shoes and acid wash jeggings (from Target). And everything else in her closet. ^^^
^^^ Don’t mind me, walking through a row of sunflowers with my basket and toddler. So very #husbandsofinstagram but I love it anyway! Also, love that basket and can’t wait to fill it with apples later today. Also, also, have been pondering my overuse of the word love and might need to find an alternative! ^^^
^^^ Caught in the inst-snap action. Speaking of — how are you guys liking Instagram stories? I mostly ditched Snapchat when the update happen and have enjoyed having one less app to use, but it’s just not the same! Missing that snap life! ^^^
What’s on your bucket list this fall?
XO, Rae
So cute! Fall is my favorite! I hope it lingers! I love your cardigan, is it a recent score?
Thanks Erin! It’s the graduate cardigan from madewell and it’s on sale :)
Great photos! I love your jeans and boots! Do you have a source for these? Happy Fall!!
Thanks Melissa! Boots are old from Nordstrom, but jeans are new and on sale at madewell! https://www.madewell.com/madewell_category/AllProducts/PRD~F8607/F8607.jsp?N=21+10002&Nbrd=M&Nloc=en_US&Nrpp=48&Npge=1&Nsrt=3&isSaleItem=true&color_name=DONOVAN%20WASH&isFromSale=true&isNewSearch=true&hash=row6