parties are fun.
parties that you don’t have to get dressed for are even more fun.
parties that cost almost nothing and don’t require cooking or getting dressed for are the mostest fun. ever.
if you agree then you’re in for a treat! (keep reading and scrolling because there are freebies at the bottom!)
it’s always been really important to yoder and me to make a home that my kids and their friends feel welcome at. for the most part i think we’ve succeeded… most days after school and on the weekends there are kids coming and going from outside in the front, to in the house, and then the backyard on repeat. after a few days (like spring break or summer vacation) it starts to feel a little messy and chaotic and exhausting. i’ve learned that it helps to have something planned — a craft, pizza and a movie, hide-and-seek, etc. so when things started feeling that way over spring break a couple weeks ago the kids and i decided to throw a cereal party where the kids could wear jammies, bring their lovies or stuffed pals and eat all the sugar cereals they would otherwise never be allowed to eat. especially not in the morning.
the actual party never came together over break (mom fail!), but we put together a smaller version to get some pics and have since rescheduled the real one. assuming it goes well, i would imagine we’ll be doing a lot of these this summer.
//balloons from target with sleepy eyes drawn on with a sharpie//
//plastic cups with lids also from target//
//actually i think almost everything from this party is from target (ha!) the cereal, eggs, bowls, greek yogurt tubes, cuties, bananas and juice//
//set up was easy. we added the menu to our chalkboard, added sleepy eyes to the balloons and a few eggs, and added wall decals (which will be coming to the DESIGN SHOP very soon!) randomly//
//cleanup was pretty easy too. just sweeping and putting food away//
//this party theme would be perfect for a little one’s birfday//
//i also set out some alphabet beads and twine and activity cards (download below) to keep the kids entertained and avoid a food fights//
- rise and shine invite PDF – i made it editable so you can type in all the details if you want!!! the front and back of the invite is also centered so you can print one side, flip and print the other.
- word find and tic tac toe cards PDF
school will be out for summer before we know it and i would LOVE to know, how do you entertain the kids in your life over long vacation times!?
xo . rae
p.s. – thank you so much for all the comments and emails after monday’s post. so sweet and appreciated.
(images by stacy jacobsen)
Thank you so much for this timely post! My daughter and I have been thinking about a fun way to play restaurant at home and this is great!!
The post on Monday has been on my mind all week. I’m so sorry for you loss and sending thoughts and prayers to your whole family and community. What a heartbreaking loss.
we’ve forgotten all about playing restaurant! so fun and great idea! glad the post came in handy.
thanks for the prayers too :)
xo . rae
I would never in a million years have thought of a cereal party, but I love this idea! I will definitely do this over the summer holidays- thanks! By the way, I stumbled across your website/ blog a little while ago (I’m over in the UK) and I love it. Your designs are gorgeous and the blog has a lovely friendly feel. Thanks for your ideas, inspiration and freebies.
Thanks (and hugs!) for such a sweet note, Lindy! xoxo