A couple months ago, I hopped on stories to share a little laundry “hack”, when it occurred to me that maybe what us mamas need is not another hack, but more sleep, which would lead to more energy, better habits, and fewer hacks required just to get through the day. Guess what? You guys agreed! So today, as a recovering night owl and sleep procrastinator, I’m sharing all the tips and tricks that have helped me prioritize my sleep as much as I do my kids and husband. It’s made parenting (and life in general) so much easier and more enjoyable.

- Stronger Immune system
- Decreases inflammation
- Natural anti-depressant and lowers stress (cortisol) and anxiety
- Easier to make decisions
- Improves focus, memory, willpower, and problem solving skills
- Increased energy and productivity
- Lowers appetite and boosts metabolism
- Beautiful skin (the body makes collagen, increases blood flow, and rehydrates while we sleep)
- Lowers cancer risk
- Stronger workouts
- Boosts mood and emotional regulation (!!!)
- Podcasts – The Mel Robins episode with Dr. Gina Poe, go to Huberman Lab and search “sleep”, Diary of a CEO episode with The Fitness Scientist (she touches on tips for those that are in seasons of blotchy sleep)
- Sleepy Sauce Playlist – Hit play when it’s time to wind down. Soft worship music is the most calming
- Kids Sleep Meditations – For the kids I’ll sometimes hit play on one of the meditations on the playlist when they need a break from the music playlist (above).
- Bedtime Stories Diffuser Blend – Lavender, cedarwood, and orange are the perfect combo to wind down to.
- Blue Light Glasses
- Daily Planner – Getting all my to-do’s and thoughts out and a plan for the next day keeps my brain from racing.
- Melatonin – This one might be controversial, but I took a small dose (2.5 to 5mg) most nights for a year just to avoid the anxiety I felt about going to bed, especially when Johan was on shift at the fire station! They don’t give me any side effects as long as I don’t take too much and didn’t have any problems when I stopped taking them. Will still bring on camping trips or when traveling, just in case!
- LMNT – Magnesium supports better sleep! (citrus, grapefruit, watermelon, and raspberry are my favorite flavors)
- Comfy Pajamas – SKIMS boxers, boyfriend tees, and slouch socks are usually my go-to.
- The later it gets the harder it is to make good decisions. So instead of waiting until the kids are in bed to rely on my energy and willpower (that’s basically non-existent) to start my own bedtime routine, I get ready before or with the kids. Once they’re tuck I still have time to unwind without more to do.
- Knowing the realistic amount of time the kids (and myself) take to unwind and get in bed (45-60 minutes)
- Limiting time on my phone during the day and putting it away an hour before bedtime, partially because of the blue light but mostly because it’s such a distraction and can throw my whole evening and night off.
- Getting outside as much as possible. I know there’s all kinds of benefits for our circadian rhythm, but honestly I find that being outside calms the tendency my mind has to race at night, you know?
- Setting a timer on the TV in case I fall asleep. (I will fall asleep)
- Doing my “drugs” (like alcohol and caffeine) with a purpose instead of on a daily or weekly basis. I’ve gone mostly dry since last spring which improved my sleep dramatically, and am mostly caffeine-free since this past September which has also improved my sleep. Cutting out both of these things also caused huge improvements with my cycle.
- Setting the tone in the house for bedtime. Diffusing calming oils (like our bedtime stories blend), turning off screens, turning on a sleepy playlist, turning down the lights, and a light tidy up.
- Making our bed cozy and irresistible.
- Being done eating around 7 (or 3 hours before going to bed)
SLEEP > hacks 😜
Hope these tips and ideas help! Let me know if I missed anything!
ily, Rae
P.S. – I used to pride myself on how much I could get done on such little sleep, but it always lead to being sick, frazzled, &/or totally burnt out. Of course sometimes we find ourselves in a season that makes it hard to get enough sleep and we just have to do our best. If you’re in one of those seasons, I’m trusting that this post makes it easier for you to give yourself grace and understanding. You’re not a hot mess. You’re tired and acting accordingly… it’s hard but it won’t last forever!
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