We all think it and say it and it definitely sounds cliche, but kids grow up way too fast and I don’t ever want to forget what Halloween was like at this stage of life. So here’s a little recap and some pictures we took prior to the sun going down yesterday and the real chaos beginning!
Attended classroom parties.
Got to see Gigi and Papa.
Made last-minute adjustments to Tilly’s ghost costume (read: made Tilly’s costume, lol).
Dressed up as Pandas, Darth Vader, a super cute Ghost, and Benny “The Jet” Rodriguez.
Gigi and Papa joined in the costume fun — Gigi as the Cafe de Columbia guy and Papa as “The Dude” from The Big Lebowski (the resemblance was hilarious and worth seeing… I’ll try to share a pic on my Stories!).
Ate chili, quesadillas and apple slices for dinner.
Met up with our neighborhood friends and then ran around trick-or-treating.
Had a hard time keeping everyone together in one group (!!!) with the big kids in a hurry to fill their containers and the little ones straggling behind.
Carried a terrified Poppy around most of the night — she wasn’t a fan of the “creepy” costumes and “bad guys”.
Enjoyed all the decked out homes and vowed to get a little more creative next year on the big day!
Filled plastic pumpkins and pillow cases with candy.
And then snuck wayyyyy too many pieces (when does this not happen?).
Laughed. A lot.
Was so thankful it wasn’t raining.
Walked through EVERY pile of leaves.
Went to EVERY house in the neighborhood — although Poppy and I called it a night halfway through. Thank goodness for Daddies!
Ran out of candy (oops!) and had to pass out leftover knick-knacks from our “boo bags” for the last few groups of trick-or-treaters.
Celebrated mine and ozzie’s bday with candles, a “Happy Birthday” song and eclair cake (my traditional bday cake since I was little!).
Was up an hour past bedtime but fell asleep so fast and stayed asleep ALL night! (I was expecting lots of waking up with tummy aches or blood sugar crashes. :)
Oh, and I almost forgot! Made our 16-year-old dress up the day before for a picture because it will be too dark by the time he got home from football.
Woke up and was thankful for a late-start school day (school started at 10am this morning!).
Nursing our post Halloween hangover this morning with an hour of Mickey Mouse Club House, a trip to Home Depot for paint and lots of coffee.
Hope your Halloween was magic yesterday! How are you handling the hangover today?
xo, Rae
Love the recap! Copying that idea!