I’m happy to report that it’s finally starting to feel like spring around here which has made it a little easier to get out of the house with everyone. A couple weeks ago we took the younger kids (miss Ozzie so much during baseball season!) on a brunch date at The Bair Bistro in Tacoma. We’d been meaning to go since taking our family photos in the same area last November and it did not disappoint! The atmosphere, the food, and the people were just so sweet and yummy. We ate bear pancakes, carefully played with all the antique decor, sipped on juice (with a splash of champs for me!), occupied the kids for a good 15 minute with a dime (heads or tails? which hand is it in? etc.), embraced the chaos of eating out with kids, and took a bunch of pics.
Outings make me so happy you guys. Especially when they involve brunch! Keep scrolling to see all the pics….
Gah! These two make my heart melt.
Sometimes it’s the simple things that keep the kids entertained or distracted!
Poppy trying to ‘floss’! Always trying to keep up with her older siblings….
Speaking of flossing, did you guys see Espen and Tilly’s dance off?
We worked on a puzzle while waiting for our table. Gotta love a restaurant or store that provides activities!
Getting everyone to decide what they want to order is typically quite the process. They ask a million questions always, usually at the sometime too, ha!… what kind of sausage? Can I get a different side? How long will it take? What about drinks? If they don’t have apple juice can I get root beer? Are we getting dessert after this? What if I’m not full from a kid meal?
So different from the days when we would order a couple things for all the kids to split and call it good. Which only lasted until the big kids started reading and now there’s no turning back, LOL. BUT it’s also really fun! Unless we’re in the drive-thru line at Starbucks – then all the mind changing and questions drive me a little bananas… 3rd world problems, I know.
Griffin pretending to be our waiter… Ha! He’s too cute and LOVES having a job to do!
That moment when the drinks come AND they all have lids!
When your food comes but you don’t have silverware yet, HA!
They don’t always get along but when they do it’s magic… (insert all the happy emojis, hearts and rainbows).
Full bellies, happy hearts, can’t loose – should be every parents battle cry, am I right!
Love this of poppy with breakfast still on her face and Espen and Tilly holding hands. Sigh.
Had to get in one more pic before we left too!
Quick question for ya… do you find it hard to get in pictures with your kids? If so, what holds you back? If not, what’s your strategy or favorite tool for doing so?
Feel so lucky to have Johan who doesn’t mind sharing camera duty, but that hasn’t always been the case. About a year ago he really started taking the time to learn more about our camera and is now a better photographer than me! That being said, I still do a lot of prompting whether it’s a pic with him and the kids or me and the kids. Being intentional without forcing things is a tricky balance!
Hope you guys have the best weekend!
XO, Rae
Where did you get your adorable jeans?