This month we’re keeping our arrow project simple with a pretty act of kindness — May Day notes, with a dose of truth at the bottom and room to tape a bloom!
This might come as a shocker, but May Day is one of my favorite holidays to celebrate with the kids. Mostly because there is no pressure to do anything and people are almost always surprised and happy for whatever we’ve thrown together. (Download and details below!)
- Download freebie, print on card stock and cute along dashed lines.
- Gather some fresh blooms from your yard, a neighbor’s, friend’s, the store, etc.
- Trim stems and tape to cards.
- Place on front doors, cars, mailbox, etc. or give to teachers, friends, neighbors, etc. as a random act of kindness.
I often get caught up in feeling like the little things aren’t enough. Sharing a smile, encouraging word or single flower can’t possibly make a difference in someones heart or day but that would be a lie. Even Mother Teressa, who did BIG things and lived a BIG life, believed in the power of small things.
So this month we’ll be putting this principle into practice and learn to believe that God can do a lot with our little. Something that comes much more naturally to my kids!
XO, Rae
P.S. – Another May Day project we did when Poppy was in my belly and Tilly had the sweetest bob!
Thank you so much–I will use these as part of my Children’s Message at church this Sunday! This week, we are focusing on “Grace” and are defining it as God’s unmerited favor to us. What better example of unmerited favor than a May Day flower!
Prior to seeing this email, I was merely thinking about blowing bubbles, and then using a bubble machine to show God’s grace as so much more–not really any solid plan at all, yet! Now I can tell the story of my kindergarten teacher teaching about May Day and helping us make paper-cone baskets to fill with flowers, and then link it to Biblical Grace for the lesson. Then each of our children can make a few of these to share; since we are a very small congregation, this will also provide something to keep them busy during the adult sermon!
Thanks again!
Oh, Tammy! I love this! Thanks for taking the time to share. I would be happy to send you a file with a different scripture if you have one in mind? Email me – rae(at)raeannkelly(dot)com xoxo