Today, I’m sharing a few tips for winter cabin trips with the fam! One might say that I’m the last person to give packing advice since I’m not all that organized, I tend to over pack, and I’m pretty forgetful. HOWEVER, I think my lack of packing skills is the exact reason why you can trust my advice. LOL. I’m an expert at knowing exactly what we use and what I regret not packing! Plus, we go on multiple cabin trips every year. Hopefully you find something in my below tips to help with your next trip!
- TWINKLE LIGHTS + EXTRA PILLOWS + BLANKETS: This is probably dependent on where you’re staying, but we are a family of blanket, pillow, and twinkle lights (for ambiance) enthusiasts, so we always need extra!
- BOOKS, GAMES + SIMPLE CRAFTS/BAKING INGREDIENTS: For obvious reasons. Our faves – beads for bracelet making, markers + paper + scissors for coloring and snowflakes, origami paper, popcorn + toppings, crescent rolls + chocolate chips, and of course hot cocoa mix!
- COFFEE (or tea if that’s your thiiiing): I highly suggest figuring out the coffee sitch before morning. It’s pretty standard with my crew that the first night in new surroundings often produces less than optimal sleep and kids crawling into our bed at 2am, so coffee first thing when we wake is a Godsend. (P.S. – don’t forget a box of cereal or other easy breakfast option for the early risers because it’s illegal to start breakfast before 9am while on vacay.)
- WINTER LAYERS (ALL OF THEM): I will rarely listen to this piece of advice unless we know for sure there is snow, because snow gear for 6 or 7 people takes up our entire car, but I often regret not bringing everyone’s hats, gloves, warm coats, snow pants, and snow boots. One Thanksgiving we invited our friends from Southern California, up to the cabin and while we were chatting about what to pack I insisted that even if it snows, there wouldn’t be enough to play in so not to worry about finding snow gear and guess what!? We all ended up sledding in jeans and whatever version of boots, sneakers, and thin gloves we packed. Sigh.
- A WEEKEND BUCKET LIST (MADE BY THE FAMILY): Growing up my dad was often in charge of our family vacation planning and our trips almost always included an itinerary of activities. At the time and in the moment, I’m sure I complained and just wanted to sleep-in, lounge by the pool, lay on the beach, or sip hot cocoa in the lodge, BUT I always left feeling so full and happy that we had done so much! A cabin stay is honestly the best scenario to do both! Get cozy and a little lazy, and still have time for some adventures! On the car ride to your destination is the perfect time to make a mini bucket list of things everyone wants to do… don’t forget some movie ideas!
Just add undies, socks, pajamas, and a few outfits!

The reason for bringing a few craft supplies and twinkle lights ^^^. Keep it simple and fill a small plastic bin with a few things to keep kids occupied during family chill time.

Here’s the info for our cabin rental if anyone is interested. Let me know if you have any questions!
What do you like to bring on quick winter trips or destinations!?
xo, Rae
Love this! Twinkle lights make everything more fun. We love our winters in MN and the Baileys in our warm drinks. Yum. Love the color and the size of the XL pop it. Care to share source?