We just got back from a fun few nights camping at Lake Roosevelt, but while I finish sorting through photos and videos, I thought I’d share an iPhone dump of our trip to Leavenworth, with friends, a few weeks ago. Activities were limited with social distancing still in full effect and the river being too high to float, but we did some adventuring and found several new things to do. Just another reason why we love Leavenworth so much… even though we’ve been a million times, there are always new things to do in addition to our favorite traditions. Here’s a breakdown of what we did!

DAY ONE: We arrived in the afternoon, settled in, and then the adults hit the town to celebrate 15 years for Yoder and me! It was also the last time we have been in public without masks as the next day WA made them mandatory. Not my favorite subject but worth noting since we really have no idea what the near future will look like. Anyway, we ate at Visconti’s on the roof top and I highly recommend!

Our friends, (the Robbert fam!) have 4 girls that almost perfectly match up with our younger 4. They also have the energy and sense of humor needed to be around us for more than a day, lol. We love them all so much!

Double date with Scott + Amanda! A little different for an anniversary dinner, but the cabin opened up at the last minute and we’ve all been way too stir crazy not to book it!

DAY TWO: The temp (92 degrees!) was perfect for a day at the Wenatchee river. We packed food, drinks, towels, and sunscreen, found a cozy beach spot at waterfront park along the trail, and basically hunkered down with the exception of a quick walk up to all the shops with the big kids. Once we’d had enough sun (i.e. the younger kids started melting down) we packed up, grabbed ice cream in town, and then went back to the cabin for a yummy grilled dinner followed by a small fire and s’mores. That night I basically poured myself into bed, but I’m pretty sure everyone else stayed up and watched a movie.

Charlotte and Tilly. Friends and teammates. Always up to something but mostly baking, walking to get milkshakes/crepes/starbucks, riding bikes, planning ways to make money (that don’t involve weeding), and begging for sleepovers.

Espen, you are the best!

Meet Griff-ley. Lynley and Griffin… they are basically the same person. High energy, highly independent, big feelings, zero chill, and lots of fun. There’s always one in a group, but we’re lucky to have two ❤️ and friends that understand our parenting dilemmas, lol.

The big kids in town! I look at Tilly in these next few pics and see myself and my own childhood, hanging out in town (my fave at that age!), with fun sunnies, a crop-top, and friends. Love that these kids get to live out their own experiences and make their own memories and that sometimes they remind me so much of my own. It’s one of the sweet spots of being a parent!

Can’t talk about this crew without talking about the oldest girl, Elise! She acts as a third mama to all the kids, is my go to when I need new music, makes life fun, is v v stylish and cute, and is going to be pretty amazing at whatever creative profession she goes into.

DAY THREE: Things had cooled off so we loaded kids up in our cars and drove 11 miles up the road to Icicle Gorge Nature Loop and went for a little hike. The views were amazing, the terrain is easy and mostly flat with just a few narrow spots, and it’s a loop so everything is fun and new the entire way. It was one of my favorite hikes we’ve done with kids, and would totally recommend it! Later that night we made spaghetti, ate ice cream, played Heads Up!, and almost died of laughter. It was so fun!

We brought Waffles with us on a whim and figured at the very least, she’d be easy to carry, but she ended up doing such a good job both on and off leash. Girlfriend couldn’t get enough of it!!!! Just one more reason we’re completely smitten.

Caught these two TikTocking more than once on the hike 🤣

Georgia and Espen are another cute duo… and I’m pretty sure Georgia has the biggest fan club of any child on the planet.

Found another sign to take a pic in front of, lol. Looked like a pretty cool spot to camp too!

DAY FOUR: We packed up, loaded the kids back in the car, and headed to town to hit up the taffy shop, Kris Kringle (where we buy a new ornament every trip), and the sausage garten before going home where we promptly unloaded our cars and then got back together to eat all of the leftovers from spaghetti night at the cabin.
NOTE TO SELF: Always plan a spaghetti night while on vacay. Always make/order way too much. Always (carefully) transport it home and feed it to everyone at home that night. Made that night so much easier and everyone was full and easy to put to bed that night, lol.

Random fact about my kids. Only the younger two will eat hot dogs… the other three fear throwing up if they eat one (which has happened on several occasions). Possibly related, I hated hot dogs until I was pregnant with Griffin and then had a weird uncontrollable craving for Costco hot dogs. Still can’t resist a few bites every once in awhile!
That being said, none of my kids can turndown a bread pretzel with cheese dip which they most definitely get from their mama!

We can hardly wait to go back!
Do you guys have any trips planned this summer? Or trips you’ve already taken? Are you staying close to home or venturing far away!?
xo, Rae
Loved reading this soooo much!!! Thank you Boo. Such great memories when you were grow up. And so thankful we are still in the partnership with Whitney’s!!
Rae Ann!!! Complete. Same. Reaction to hot dogs! Loathed, then preggy-craved, and still kinda like! What the what?! So weird. Such a neat vacay.
NO WAYYY! That’s crazy, and I’m so glad you shared! xo
Looks like such a fantastic trip!
If we ever head to your area of the US this definitely looks like an awesome place to visit. We love camping and exploring the great outdoors with our 3 kids. Maybe one day. Thank you for sharing your adventures!