Of all the events, podcasts and messages I’ve heard, panels are easily my favorite. They remind me of 2 things 1. That there isn’t one perfect way or person or journey and 2. We are better together! With that in mind, I polled a few of my favorite friends and mom crushes to share how they mix health and fitness with motherhood. Their answers were even better than I imagined when I started planning this post and I hope you feel just as inspired as I do by the insights below.
Can’t wait to introduce you to them so without further ado, meet…
- Favorite healthy snack: I always have a Lara bar in my purse or if I’m home I’ll whip something up like hummus and veggies.
- Favorite junkfood: Ahhhhhh – Those Australian red licorice bites from Sprouts are my kryptonite. All my closest friends know that if I am seen eating them, it has been an especially rough day and I need some comfort haha.
- Favorite song, podcast, app or playlist to workout to: I am a huge podcast junkie. My favorite is “You Made it Weird” with Pete Holmes. He does the best interviews that are both laugh out loud funny, but always get deep and go into meaning of life questions. Tons of thoughtful gems. The Moth and This American Life are two more I can always count on. This is if I am going on runs. I need to keep my mind occupied to go the distance!
- Favorite way to get a workout: The Bar Method. I am recently obsessed. It really does sculpt your body and seeing results is so rewarding.
- Your usual workout routine or activity: Recently it is The Bar Method. If not my exercise is chasing my 2-year old around.
- How or when do you find the time to workout: I schedule all my classes on Monday for the entire week when I have that “this is a new week, new me” attitude ;) It is easy to lose that enthusiasm as the week goes on. So I commit myself early.
- Health and fitness philosophy, in a nutshell: Celebrate the small victories!
* find more of Danielle at Olivia + Ocean
- Favorite healthy snack: honeycrisp apple with almond butter
- Favorite junkfood: Ice cream!!!
- Favorite song, podcast, app or playlist to workout to: I change it up a lot! From Kygo to 80’s pop to worship music
- Favorite way to get a workout: Swimming (in our indoor pool) & workout class.
- Your usual workout routine or activity: 25 minutes swimming laps and a 60 minute workout class hosted at our church with varied, but always challenging, activities.
- How or when do you find the time to workout: My morning workout class provides childcare for $2. Otherwise, when the kids are at school and the toddler naps.
- Health and fitness philosophy, in a nutshell: If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy! Am I right??
- Favorite healthy snack: Healthy Bonez “U Got Kale” juice which contains fresh kale, celery, cucumber, coco-water, apple, & lemon. All of their menu items have no sugar added, are gluten-free, dairy free, and otherwise entirely plant based which is kinda exciting.
- Favorite junkfood: Chips & salsa!
- Favorite song, podcast, app or playlist to workout to: I always go with a podcast from either Bobbie Houston, Brian Houston or my pastor Judah Smith. I like to learn and think while I work out and these three people always inspire me to be a better version of me.
- Favorite way to get a workout: Real life activities outside of the gym are my favorite. Today for example I enjoyed a four mile walk with my husband after we dropped the kids off at school. Bonus that it was along the waterfront!
- Your usual workout routine or activity: Normally I drive to the gym and spend 35 minutes on the stair-stepper at level 7 then I jump on the tread mill for 20 minutes with a #3 incline and #3.8 speed. If I get three days a week at the gym combined with the daily activities that my life brings then it’s been a good week.
- How or when do you find the time to workout: I plan out my week ahead and make sure to put it in the schedule. If it’s on the schedule it’s most likely to happen. I also try to make it social and will text a friend and we will plan a day to go for a long walk or go to the gym and take a class I might not normally do (because it’s always more fun to join a class with a friend).
- Health and fitness philosophy, in a nutshell: I am not hard on myself, I don’t feel guilty if I miss a week at the gym and I also do not diet. It’s more about discipline, making healthy responsible choices and living a lifestyle that promotes health.
- BONUS TIP! I also highly recommend the book “Eat Beautiful”. It’s full of pretty photos, beauty tips, recipes, has a cute and informational story line and is all about the effects of food on your skin.
* find more of Nicole at Hopper Group!
- Favorite healthy snack: Hummus & carrots!
- Favorite junkfood: Ice cream.
- Favorite song, podcast, app or playlist to workout to: Nursing & Cursing podcast, or Macklemore.
- Favorite way to get a workout: Lifting weights/circuit.
- Your usual workout routine or activity: Group strength and yoga classes, or a regular cardio/lifting circuit at the gym.
- How or when do you find the time to workout: Early in the morning or late at night!
- Health and fitness philosophy, in a nutshell: Treat yo self… but really, “JUST DO IT!”
* find more of Kendra at Hen & Co.
- Favorite healthy snack: Apples and almond butter and edamame.
- Favorite junkfood: Ice cream (duh! Ha!)
- Favorite song, podcast, app or playlist to workout to: Erwin McManus, Churchome, Brian Houston, or School of Greatness podcast if I’m running by myself (which is rare) or a random “workout” or “gangsta rap” playlist off of Pandora or Spotify.
- Your usual workout routine or activity: Short runs, Body Boss workouts (found on youtube) and other circuit training… Lots of burpies, jump-squats and kettle bell swing, type exercises. (Here’s a list of exercises for inspiration)
- Favorite way to get a workout: I love weights (medium weight with higher reps) or any crossfit workout that doesn’t involves crazy weights, overhead squats or kipping. Hot yoga is fun every once in awhile and I’ve been wanting to find a hip-hop class to take! I also love chasing, jumping, or playing soccer, tennis or basketball with the kids and Johan.
- How or when do you find the time to workout: Usually early in the morning or in the evening while at one of the kids’ sports practices. I also try to do a workout every now and then with the kids around so they get to see and participate.
- Health and fitness philosophy, in a nutshell: Do what you can and
enjoyLOVE the process!
* you guys know where to find me, but I love hanging out with my peeps on Instagram if you’re not already following along over there!
Wasn’t that fun?!!! I love seeing all the different likes, strengths, goals, and schedules. Something I think is so important to remember because the comparison struggle is real. Especially for us girls… but it doesn’t have to be! So, if or when you feel yourself getting sucked into it, just remember that there is strength in numbers and that we ALL have so much to offer each other.
If you have any follow up questions to leave in the comments, please do! I would also love to know how you would answer a question or two from above.
Last but not least, what would you like to see next in the mom-bod series?
Here’s the first “mom-bod” post if you missed it!
xo, Rae
Love this!