One of my goals for summer is to go on (almost) daily walks (or runs). Since we live within walking distance to the kids’ schools, getting steps in during the school year is kinda effortless. Summer is a different story and I was surprised at how much I took it for granted and missed it last year!
- SPORTS BRA: So flattering! Wearing medium.
- LEGGINGS: Have in bike shorts too for when summer finally arrives in the PNW. Wearing medium in the regular length.
- LONGSLEEVE TEE: Always handy to have a long sleeve to throw on! Have in medium and large.
- SOCKS: Great everyday crew socks.
- HOKAS: Love these but if sizing is limited, here are more cute options!
I’ve shared this brand before, but Adanola has some of my favorite gear for low to mid-impact workouts (and shorter runs), the style is low-fuss and cool, and the price point is 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽. Just added a few new things to my cart including this dress (or would this romper be better?), bike shorts, and tee… and can’t decide if I need this dress too.

ily, Rae
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