Over the weekend we pulled Tilly’s old play kitchen out of retirement in the attic and gave it a fresh new look for Poppy. As I should have anticipated, Tilly was not fond of handing her (all-of-a-sudden) beloved kitchen down to her baby sis let alone remodeling it. Poor girl had lots to say including, “You’re judging my kitchen’s look. How rude!”
Change is not a friend of hers and the colorful + (turn your head so she doesn’t see you giggle) funny comments continued while we took things apart, sanded and painted but when she came home from school on Monday to a reno’ed kitchen she was smitten. I was relieved that no therapy would be needed.
I think we purchased the kitchen from Target but IKEA has a similar option (this one) that would be extra cute with a little paint. Love the microwave!
Here’s how we did it:
- Take it most of the way apart and remove knobs, sink, faucet, etc.
- Spray paint all of the accessories gold (or other color).
- Remove the stove top and sand the countertop. Then paint, spray paint or cover with contact paper.
- Sand everything (no matter how tempting — don’t skip the sanding!) that is getting painted and tape off what is not. Let dry.
- Paint or spray anything that needs another coat and let dry.
- For the pot and utensil rod, open up “S” hooks from the hardware store and spray paint.
- Put everything back together and start playing!!!
We took a trip to IKEA yesterday (outtakes on snap chat at raeannkelly) to stock up on a few new kitchen accessories and then made room in the bottom drawer under the stairs to store the overflow and make cleanup easy.
As much as I love a kid-friendly and inspired home, bigger toys that can’t be put away or shoved in a basket aren’t my favorite. Atleast not in our downstairs. But this kitchen is now less of an eyesore and more of a cute accessory that keeps the kids occupied for chunks of time.
I’ve never met a play kitchen my kids didn’t like but I think Johan and I like this one equally. It looks a lot like my dream kitchen — navy, white and gold! #kitchengoals
Do you know of any other hand-me-down toys that are fun to makeover!?
XO, Rae
Darling! I updated…I mean Santa ;) an Ikea kitchen for the kids. I said the same thing, I was making my two toned, marble and brass kitchen dreams come true!
So cute, Brittney! Glad I’m not the only one!!! XO, Rae
Very good DIY on kitchen Makeover. It also a fun project and enjoyed a lot!
Thanks for your good share!