This past weekend was the official end of summer so to celebrate we spent Saturday afternoon and evening scooter riding in west Seattle, playing on Alki beach and eating pizza at a new to us restaurant. Even though summer always seems to be over when the kids go back to school, it was nice to have a final September hurrah to do a little reflecting!
At dinner we asked all the kids what their favorite part of summer was and a few things about their answers surprised me — 1. they were all very excited to answer the question 2. none of their answers had anything to do with our summer bucket list and 3. they all involved family time! It was honestly exactly what I had needed to hear because personally, I had felt a little blah-ish about how summer had gone and was probably hanging onto some form of mom-guilt, wondering what I could have done better.
All of this got me thinking, even though I love a good list and will for sure need to jot down ideas and activities we could do over the next few months, maybe what would be best is to set a fall intention. Mine would for sure be TOGETHERNESS. What would yours be?
A crazy amount of pics from our last Saturday of summer, below!

If you park on Harbor Ave. by Marination Ma Kai, there’s a couple of these binoculars that don’t require any coins! From there it’s a bit of a walk/ride to Alki Beach Park, but we managed to make it without any complaints… Just several pit stops to climb on benches, pick flowers and dig pebbles out of shoes :)

I spy the Space Needle!

Saving each other from falling off the “cliff”! Ha!

Hang on tight Tills!

Remember how cool it was the first time you put your name or nickname on the back of a team sweatshirt? I had to bite my tongue a little when Tilly told me what she wanted her’s to say, but I’m so glad I did. She’s the BEST!

Found more on the pier but they required quarters :)

Teaching dad how to “wiggle board” (ripstick)!

For Johan’s Birthday in August we gave him a good pair of ray ban sunglasses — something he would never buy himself — and I honestly think they’ve been life changing for his sensitive eyes. Even on cloudy days!

Always collecting. Poppy’s basket is from HERE… the yellow color was on sale but is sold-out.

Poppy, running the show as usual, ha! Love that she’s fixing Tilly’s hair so it’s out of her face in this pic.

Cooler beach days are sometimes my favorite. No towels required because no ones getting wet but the sand is just as fun to play in!

More treasures.




The restaurant we went to had yummy Italian sodas that were just the right amount of sweetness. Thank you Mioposto!

A combination of pizza sauce and whip cream on Griff’s fingers… and hair (below), lol.

The pizza was wood fired (how do I get one of those ovens?) and also delicious. Not sure you can beat this table situation either!?
Back to my original topic… what would you pick as an intention this fall? Or do you prefer a bucket list!?
xo, Rae
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